Monday, April 15, 2013


A being that spreads,
 The definition of love..
Portrays many roles,
 As God himself sung..

There's no balance,
 Without a she in he..
Fulfills all that's thrown at her,
 To Accommodate Thee..

She carries the weight,
 In love to care..
That prolongs her wait,
 And at times hard to bare..

No! She does not give up!
 The pain she borne..
Over comes it all,
 With a smile she toned..

A bliss of a women,
 She' then' begins..
To treat her child,
 With her heavenly grin..

A soul she possess,
 That's stronger than "Will"..
And she carries on and on,
 In an everlasting drill..

        [to be continued..]

{ this is dedicated to all the women out there, that are treated less of her.. please do share and let them read. I'll be writing a second on soon and i'll post them too}


(not the picture just the words)

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